Domestic Girlfriend Anime Genre
The anime genres are drama, romance, school, and shounen. Anime series, bringing the total number of episodes to twelve. The main characters are Natsuo Fujii, Hina Tachibana, and Rui Tachibana. The story demands a step in the relationship.
Synopsis of Domestic Girlfriend
Hina, Natsuo Fujii's instructor, is desperately in love with him. To move on, he accepts a mixer. There he meets Rui Tachibana, an unusual girl who asks him to sneak away.
She invites him to her home and requests that they have sex. Natsuo frustrated that his love will never bring fruit, bids his virginity farewell.
Natsuo's father informs him the next day that he wishes to remarry and that his probable spouse will be seeing them that evening.
When the door opens, it reveals that Rui is Hina's younger sister and that they are both daughters of Tokiko Tachibana, the woman his father wishes to marry.
Drama, romance, school, and shounen are some of the anime genres. Natsuo Fujii is frustrated that his love will never bring fruit.
To move on, he accepts a mixer where he meets Rui Tachibana, an unusual girl who asks him to sneak away.
Natsuo's father informs him the next day that he wishes to remarry and that his probable spouse will be seeing them that evening.