Will The Detective is Already Dead Siesta And Kimihiko

 Siesta and Kimihiko's Relationship

After learning about his trouble-magnet luck, Siesta wanted Kimihiko to board an airplane with her to offer her a surprise package.

Since then, the two have collaborated, but they have also developed significant romantic feelings for one another.

When Siesta became unconscious and her heart was transplanted into Nagisa Natsunagi's, their partnership came to an end. Siesta's love for Nagisa motivated her to look for him even after she died.

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The Synopsis of The Detective is Already Dead

On a hijacked airliner four years ago, Kimihiko Kimizuka was a young man who worked as an aide to a mysterious detective known as "Siesta."

Kimihiko and Siesta went on mind-boggling, globe-trotting adventures together while fighting a hidden organization, but it all came to a stop when Siesta died, separating them.

Even though the detective is dead, Kimihiko wants to return to a regular, dull existence as a high school student in the present day, but things are never that simple.

Now, Kimihiko has met a female who resembles his former employer uncannily. This is a common misunderstanding.

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Kimihiko Kimizuka was a young man who served as an aide to a mysterious detective known only as "Siesta."

After Siesta died, Nagisa Natsunagi's heart was transplanted into Kimihiko's body. Both of them have acquired strong love feelings for each other.

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