What is The Real Name of The Anime Naikomalya Widentary?

 The Real Name of Naikomalya Widentary

The real name in Baccano. The anime genre is action, comedy, historical, mystery, supernatural.

Synopsis of Baccano

In the early 1930s, the renowned Flying Pussyfoot transcontinental train began its storied journey in Chicago, leaving a path of blood across the country.

At the same time, in New York, the ambitious scientist Szilard and his unhappy sidekick, Ennis, are on the lookout for the immortality elixir's missing vials.

In addition, a feud between mafia organizations is developing. The price of immortality was soon to be discovered by alchemists on board the Advena Avis in 1711.

baccano, baccano characters, baccano anime

Baccano! is based on the award-winning light novels of the same name and chronicles a series of events that appear unrelated at first glance, both in terms of time and place, but are part of a much larger narrative about alchemy, survival, and immortality.

The kindhearted would-be robbers, Isaac and Miria, link personnel, all of whom have their own secret goals and agendas, and create lasting relationships and effects for everyone involved, tying these events together.


Baccano! is based on the same-titled award-winning light novel. Action, humor, historical, mystery, and supernatural are all genres of anime.

The price of immortality was soon to be discovered by alchemists on board the Advena Avis in 1711.

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