What Genre is Another Anime?


Another genre is horror, mystery, school, supernatural, suspense. The another is the best horror anime series for the year 2012.

Synopsis of Another

The other classmates, shocked by the unexpected loss, decided to carry on as if their classmate was still alive, even keeping the desk and taking it to the graduation ceremony.

No one could explain why a classmate who had already died and been buried was included in the graduation photo.

Then, in the spring of 1998, a youngster named Kouichi Sakakibara joins the class and begins to notice the frightening mood that pervades it.

He is particularly taken by a strange, distant female wearing an eye patch who constantly sits alone, painting. A female who is shunned by the rest of the class. Misaki is her name.

what genre is another anime, another anime, misaki


Horror, mystery, school, supernatural, and suspense are other genres. The best horror anime series of the year is the other.

The other classmates carried on as if their classmate was still alive, even keeping the desk and taking it to the graduation ceremony.

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