Can Anyone Tell me How to Create 3D Anime Backgrounds?

 How to Create 3D Anime Backgrounds

In this video, I add some great-looking manga shaders by Paul O. Caggegi and complete it with a Procreate paint-over using Laura Casier's 3D file and her fantastic line drawings. As a result, cute anime background is created.

how to create 3d anime backgrounds, can anyone tell me, anime backgrounds

What is 3D Animation?

The process of making three-dimensional moving visuals on a computer system is known as computer 3D animation.

By carefully manipulating objects in 3D software, we may export photo sequences that provide the illusion of movement (animation) (3D models).

Each image is hand-drawn in classic 2D animation, with minor differences from the previous one.

When played back in order, it gives the impression of motion. Real-life models are moved and filmed in stop-motion animation. When the images are played back, they will have the same impact.

What’s the Difference between 2D and 3D?

The first concept to grasp is that 3D refers to three dimensions, while 2D refers to two dimensions.

Before you think I'm stating the obvious, 3D and 2D in animation relate to the dimension in which the animation was made. Ahhhh. Isn't it getting more complicated?

Everything in 2D animation takes place on a two-dimensional platform. Pictures are flat, lack depth, and only show one point of view.

Objects and characters are frequently depicted without the subtle soft shadows that we experience in real life, and colors are limited in their tones.

Everything in 3D animation takes place on a three-dimensional platform. Pictures, like real life, have depth and give numerous views.

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The process of making three-dimensional moving visuals on a computer system is known as computer 3D animation.

In this video, I use Laura Casier's 3D file and her lovely line drawings to add some great-looking manga shaders by Paul O. Caggegi and finish it off with a Procreate paint-over. As a consequence, we have a charming anime background.

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