One Punch Man Season 2 Review


Saitama has returned to his average everyday life in Z-City after defeating Boros and his massive army.

However, he is unaware that the number of monsters appearing continues to rise, putting a burden on the Hero Association's resources.

Garou's fury against the Hero Association continues, crushing every hero he comes across. He turns out to be the best former apprentice of the legendary martial artist Silverfang.

He appears to be driven by mysterious objectives. As the tournament gets underway and Garou continues his rampage, a new great menace emerges, posing a threat to all of humanity.

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Support Characters


Bang, unlike the majority of heroes, prefers to be addressed by his given name rather than his hero identity, Silver Fang.

In the world of heroes, his unwavering attitude to protecting citizens/civilians might be described as strategic. Others love him because he has a feeling of nobility and moral integrity.


Fubuki appears to be a cold-hearted, ambitious, and self-assured guy from the outside. She would go to any length to maintain her status as the top-ranked hero in the B-Class.

She, on the other hand, suffers from a severe inferiority problem. After meeting Saitama, Fubuki's personality has changed dramatically.

Her supposedly cold-hearted appearance hides a woman who genuinely loves her sister. She devotes her days to ensuring the success and well-being of her organization.

Fubuki is also highly opportunistic when it comes to recruiting new members for the Blizzard Group.

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When confronted with a dangerous circumstance, King maintains his control and exudes a big personality.

The public and other heroes, including those in the Hero Association, hold him in high regard. The King also has a loving side, as evidenced by his concern for Saitama's well-being and his smart advice.

Metal Bat

Metal Bats have a high level of self-assurance. He also appears to be brazen and rash, as evidenced by the fact that he damaged one of Melzargard's marbles. He has a soft side when it comes to his sister Zenko, despite his harsh attitude.

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Villain Characters


Garou is a villain who has a strong dislike for heroes. He despises being insulted and will lash out at anyone who does so. Garou can be seen as a counterpart to Saitama in several ways. 

Both have a strong sense of dignity and fairness, though they express it in different ways. Garou is arrogant in battle, sometimes criticizing his opponents and referring to them as "amateurs."

Death Gatling and the A and B-Class heroes he collected were mocked by him. Garou can relish the sensation of defeat to improve and get stronger.


Gouketsu resembled a human in that he was calm, poised, and calculated. He did, however, exhibit the usual cruelty and attitude of a monster.

As evidenced by his delight in his monster transformation, he wanted power as well. It's unclear what effect his suffering played in his decision to become a Mysterious Being.

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Main media


Web manga started in 2009 to continue. It the written by ONE and published self-published.


The anime season 2 starts on April 9, 2019, and July 2, 2019, the twelve episodes. One Punch Man 2nd Specials start on October 25, 2019, and on March 27, 2020, six specials. It the written by Tomohiro Suzuki and studio by J.C.Staff.


Season 2 of One Punch Man has an 8/10 rating.


After defeating Boros and his vast army, Saitama has returned to his normal life in Z-City. The number of monsters arriving continues to rise, putting the Hero Association's resources under strain.

Garou reveals himself to be the famed martial artist Silverfang's best former apprentice. The characters to focus on in personality are support and villain. The two ways to main media are manga and anime.

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