A Certain Scientific Accelerator are Main Character in Accelerator


The first ranked Accelerator is level 5, the most powerful person in the Academy City. He is the second protagonist in the scientific side of "A Certain Magical Index Series".

He first appeared in chronological order as an antagonist in a specific A Certain Magical Index series, and then became captain. After Kamijou Touma defeated him, it was in science.

As the protagonist, he must deal with the cruel Dark Side of Academy City and the secret conspiracy surrounding him.

As the most powerful person in the Academy city, his existence, and skills are closely related to Aleister Crowley's plan, the founded Academy City with Kamijou Touma.



Accelerator looks like a thin teenager, with pale skin, gray hair, and red eyes. This is because it has the ability to block ultraviolet rays, which cause your body to no longer produce melanin.

His abilities have also greatly reduced the influence of the outside world, so that his hormonal balance is out of order, making him look "hermaphrodite", although there is overwhelming evidence throughout the series that he is a boy.


accelerator childhood

Accelerators have always been targets of assassins and investigators. That's why he believes only in strength and not in anyone else.

He has also become a jovial and joking person but also a perverted and manic person. In war, it causes fear and has a sad connotation.

He voluntarily participated in the SISTER experiment in order to win the reputation of the most powerful and formidable ability, so that no one dares to challenge him, and whoever stops him will be killed without hesitation.


The Sister


In the process of the sixth level trial, Accelerator was clearly cruel and abused Sister Clones, relentlessly scolding all the sisters before and during the fight, and devising cruel and horrific ways to deal with them.

The entire network will convince Misaka that the difference between him and Touma is that he considers his sisters to be the embodiment of good, while Touma treats them as normal people.

Last Order

last order

She is the unique emotional expression of the Clone Sisters and has a close relationship with Accelerator, Misaka 10032, and her association with adult guardians Yomikawa Aiho and Yoshikawa Kikyu Misaka not only speak like her clone sister but also speak twice in the third person.


accelerator to abilities


Accelerators are named after their capabilities. Build a thin AIM box around it, you can use it to change the vector value of anything you touch.

His brain was damaged, and he relied on necklace-shaped electrodes to connect him to Misaka's network.


Instead of developing a vector from nothing, the accelerator can add an option to adjust the vector of an item it touches.

This factor of his power is resilient both offensively and defensively; No longer requiring conscious control, the accelerator can additionally deflect or redirect bullets that strike it, or the stress wave of an explosion without the need for hazard recognition.


He usually loses almost all control over themselves, starts speaking in the language of angels, gains the ability to understand the laws that he still unknown and unexplainable, and no longer needs to touch vectors to control them.

With huge emotional pressure, huge black wings appeared, and it was speculated that they contained the same "Dark matter" created by Shigen Teide with his power.

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